Adventures Sun Destinations

Keep calm and go to Jamaica! Life is better at the bush! (part 2)

Part II  

We continue our journey along the northeast Jamaica’s coastline and discover the area of the blue mountains. Here’s part two of my Jamaican to do list.

 “Miles of untouched coastline, cascading waterfalls and natural mineral baths make Jamaica the magical place it is! I will share my Jamaican to do list with you!”

Visit James Bond Beach

Want to be lazy? Go to James Bond beach. Hidden between high rocks, there’s a little beach were you can relaxNot far away is the famous house Golden Eye, the former house of Ian Flemming  (writer of James Bond) and now a hideaway for the rich and famous.

Have a walk through the Coyaba River Gardens
A tropical garden with waterfalls, butterfly’s and a little museum of the history of Jamaica. You can also swim and cool down in the waterfall.

Float away on your own bambo
Why not take a handmade bao raftmboo raft on the rivers of Jamaica. Rafting is a relaxing way to explore the area, there are tours of almost 5 kilometres where you are surrounded by music coming from nature itself. You won’t even have to do anything, somebody’s there to do it for you. Just sit back, relax and let the nature come to you.  

Visit The Blue Mountains
The Blue Mountains are situated in the east of Jamaica. These are the oldest and the highest mountain in the country and the peaks are almost always shrouded in a bluish haze. At 2,256 meters there’s a magnificent view over the whole island. My best tip for you: set your alarm early and get there when the sun is rising, you will witness the dawn and the animals of the island waking up. Not to be missed!

Mockingbird Hill
This is Jamaica’s most sustainable eco boutique hotel. Set on a hilltop in the northeast coast between the majestic Blue Mountains and Caribbean Sea. A small sanctuary with breath-taking views over the Blue Mountains.

Into music? Want to feel like Katy Perry or Snoop Dog? Visit the Geegam studio and Trident Hotel
We visit Geejam, a tree-top kind of music studio with deluxe, private cabins that overlook the trees. The cabins, named Ska, Rocksteady, Mento, and Drum & Bass, after the Jamaican music genres, are nestled in the rain forest. The most deluxe, a three-bedroom hilltop villa with a private swimming pool and stunning 360-degree views, is called Panorama, next to a three-level, six-bedroom private villa called Cocosan.

Geejam’s unusual combination of luxury and serenity, privacy and security, along with the local culture surrounding the place, has drawn many of the music industry’s biggest stars: Drake, Diplo, Katy Perry, Alicia Keys, John Legend, No Doubt, Lily Allen and Amy Winehouse, have all traveled to Jamaica to relax and to record at Geejam.

Nearby is super-luxe Trident Hotel and the stunning, otherworldly, eight-bedroom Trident Castle, where Johnny Depp and Kate Moss once stayed, Snoop Dogg recorded his “Bush”.

” They also have their privat hidden beach, one I really like to stay for a while “

Port Antonio
Port Antonio is the island’s third largest port, famous as a shipping point for bananas and coconuts. Very charming and worth a little visit. 🙂 Underneath a few pictures to see a little impression.

To go to the beginning of this roundtrip,  read the next article: Jamaica, life is better at the beach. Part 1

Would you like to share you’re experience about this destination, or give your opinion about this article or the pictures, leave a comment below: 



Read more about Jamaica’s beautiful resorts in this articles: Keep calm and go to Jamaica! Life is better at the beach! Part one.

Want a honeymoon like JFK and Jaqueline or like to sleep in a beachroom designed, by Ralph Lauren? Read: Go to round Hill, Jamaica!

Want to sleep like Marilyn Monroe? Go to Jamaica Inn!


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